
Media in Education

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Media plays an important role in education nowadays. It gives the student enhancement and new experience in the learning process. It also can make the teaching and learning process more interesting and fun. There are four kinds of media that will be explained below.

a. Print Media
Print media is a media where the information come in printed form. The example of print media are book, magazine, newspaper, newsletter, banner, billboard, brochure, and flyer. The benefits of print media is it is affordable. We don’t need much money if we want to use it. It is also easy to make, easy to transport, and easy to use. Print media is still a favorite media that used in teaching and learning process but, on the other hand, print media also have some weakness. Students often don’t like print media because it seems uninteresting. It can only provide verbal language. There is no sounds or animation there. Also, it needs more time to update print media.

b. Sound Media
Cassette audiotape, disc recording, compact disk, and audio card are examples of sound media. We use sound media in the learning process to support the needs of the students. Each student has their own best way to learn and there are some students that prefer to listen to the materials than read it. If the students are bored with the learning activity, we can use sound media to get attention from the students too. Then, learning activity will be more fun. Some research has proven that music can help someone to memorize better so, we get a chance to improve the learning outcomes of our students. Lack of visual is one of sound media’s problem but, it can be solved by combine sound media with the other media like digital media. However, through the lack of visual, it will give the students improvement on their imagination.

c. Visual Media
As we know that students learn in different ways, we have to pay attention on how they retain informations. Visual help students to organize the information so, it will be easy to remember. We can use creative presentations, infographics, educational poster or unique students' report. Many kinds of visual media can be used in a lesson. Visual media can keep students engaged with the lesson. Of course, it needs a lot of preparation to use visual media but, it will be paid off by the result that students can achieve. 

d. Digital Media
In the learning process, we use digital media such as laptops, computers, videos, film, animation, or even games. The use of digital media allows students to explore more. They can gain new information that provided widely. Not only informations but they also can get new experience in learning something in different ways. With digital media, students can improve their critical thinking and creativity. Equal with the benefits, digital media also have some disadvantages. Maybe there will be some problems if we, as users, don’t know how to operate the tools or if there are some technical problem. It also gives a big effect if the users use digital media in the wrong way. With the breadth of information, users have to filter what they get from digital media or they will get wrong and unnecessary information.

Each media has its own advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, we have to know well how to decide which media that will we use in a lesson. If I have to choose one, maybe I will choose digital media but, we have to be creative. If we can combine two or more media to get the best way to learn, why not? It will be very great to boost our learning result.


Unknown said...


1 said...


Unknown said...

Nice, I agree with your opinion.

Unknown said...

Nice explanation ^^

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