
3rd Meeting - Past Perfect Tense

Hello, and how are you? I hope you are great because now we will talk about the past perfect tense. The past perfect tense also called the pluperfect refers to a time earlier than before now. It is used to make it clear that one event happened before another in the past. It does not matter which event is mentioned first - the tense makes it clear which one happened first. Want to know more?

2nd Meeting - Past Continuous Tense

Hi! Today we are going to learn about the past continuous tense. What is it and what is the use of it?

1st Meeting - Simple Past Tense

We know about the three types of tenses that are used in English Grammar namely Past Tense, Present Tense and Future Tense. Each of these tenses is actually verbs that are used to indicate the occurrence of an event or action at a particular time. Now, we will learn and understand more about the Past Tense and its different types.

Past Continuous Tense Mind Map
Have you learned about past tenses? There are four tenses there which are simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense and past perfect continuous tense. Here, I will give you a past continuous tense mind map. I hope this mind map could make your understanding become easier.

The Use of ICT Facilities in Education Industry

The growth of knowledge-based society makes the stakeholders of education industry recognize the importance of ICT Integration in education. As stated in the journal titled “Toward the Use of 21st Century TeachingLearning Approaches: The Trend of Development in Malaysian Schools within the Context of Asia Pacific”, to accommodate this needs, there must be a providing of basic ICT infrastructure so that teacher can use them in the teaching and learning process. Besides, teachers have to be able to adopt the use of 21st-century teaching-learning approaches and methods in their classroom practices.

Learning Grammar Sources

Are you confused about how you can learn English grammar? Well, maybe this evidence chart will help you to find it out.

Media in Education

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Media plays an important role in education nowadays. It gives the student enhancement and new experience in the learning process. It also can make the teaching and learning process more interesting and fun. There are four kinds of media that will be explained below.

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